Nifty is in consolidation. Crude oil barrel is rolling both
sides to hit stop loss regularly. Silver is not at all making a move. Let’s
have this pause time to make one interesting self analysis.
Where are you standing? On the sides of Dalai Lama, Mahatma
Gandhi or Stalin and Hitler, when you have to take sides based on your political
and social views?
If you wish to know
the answer on your political and social stand, take this test here - Political compass test .
Questionnaire is quite interesting. It do not confuse you but
so simple to get your honest opinion.
It may take some time but I found it useful. Hope you too!
And, my stand is shown in the below chart. Am standing closer to whom? You will notice it when you finish the test :)
hmmmm, left of center? :)
will take the test soon and send the dot to you.
hi assortz,
have not taken the test yet,
but i am sure my dot will be in the bottom left quadrant ...
humane growth is more valuable than monstrous monetary growth.
Hi assortZ,
I took the test, red dot came one square right of Gandhi's dot(Gandhi's right hand man?)
I was dreaming about wall street all these years, but it seems I will end up close to Sabarmati Ashram now!
Thanks for this test. Cheers.
ok assortz,
i am at mandela, few squares to the left of you & one square more aggressive ...
should be happy it is in the green
Hi RM,
I know you will have your seat below Gandhi and Mandela i.e, bottom of the left green..anyway, do post us the result :)
Hi Anuj,
That's quite opposite poles. wall street and sabarmati :)
Good that you took the test to know the fact of gandhi's right hand!cheers.
Hi Moh,
No doubt you get your seat at green box but i was expecting you at dalailama :)
But, one common fact is that all the trading pros fall in green. that's great!
well, am sandwiched between gandhi and dalailama :)
I am not fortunate enough to be in the company of any of the great leaders. I am alone here too!
If everyone is going to be a leader then what about the reformer who correct/questions the leaders when there is a slippage.You accompany Friedman the great economist of the century. that's great!
Thanks assortZ!
I have mailed the results to the custodians of Friedman's estate in the fond hope of getting a cut from that. :)
mmm RM, good ...
hey assortz, its another 10% on that cut too, i hope :)
yours hopefully,
@r m
If you manage to get a cut from the custodians of Friedman's estate, then please share the answers of your test, it will help me to push my red dot on the right-hand side!
Hi AJ!
Oh I did not have to do anything special just gave natural answers! But you may have to give answers which are politically incorrect, the more politically incorrect you are - more right will be your destination.
Hence Left = Politically correct;
hey, RM, look at the brighter side :
the other side of the fence is greener.
the "right" square is either depressing purple or sad blues, so gelucil.
i thought it has become politically incorrect to be with the green square these days of ... might is right.
dalai thro gandhi to mandela have already been made irrelevant with all efforts by the other "squares"
sometimes it looks like the populace have been laced to sit under the big dining table where the biggies eat messily, and the bits and crumbs that scatter off become the wealthbuilders that rain on them below that is supposedly be the reason for supplying the big chunks to the big diners club above.
media sits in the other squares. so the green square is already blocked out.
see the sheeples ...
its easy to float along the flood, whether good or bad.
where is the cut? while we have fun!
Cut coming fast, I have been asked to provide my account details so that they can do the money transfer from Nigeria!!!
Let us make a deal, gimme your account details so that i can pass that on to Friedman's estate guys. I will settle for a 10% cut. :)
Expression of Interest: willing to deal with DeDoonDhamaka, not nigeria or viagria :)
Bank EyeSeeYouSeeI
no. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx5
pw. abra rms dabra ????
pin xxx xxx
hairpin: bent on way to doon
Smirnoff Corner
CUTting Lane
Doon Townsend
a beautiful view of icy mountain range,
an yacht with 'RM' etch in jamuna
a houseboat with 'Rahesh' etch in ganges.
and lot of laughter floating around when a tall man walks around with his camera in one hand and laptop in the other ...
pardon the spello,
trying to rush off while trying to get organized under powercut ...
its officially confirmed hence as
catch you soon...
hi assortz,
we have hijacked your post ...
thanks for the roundtable
we missed the cheering mugs though
Thanks for the details man. And you would be able to stop worrying about rushing off to work, power cut etc after a short while with your own island and power plant.
Fishing in Indian ocean from that orange yacht of yours would be a good way to pass remainder of the journey from A to B. :)
Hi Moh&RM,
Thanks for hijacking the post :).. It's always cool to watch the chat between you both.That's a nice idea to mail the results to estate and RM is kind enough to looking out opportunities to increase the "cut" for this poor soul :)
Hi AJ,
That's a good deal! but you will have to consider a "cut" to the blog author:)
@ assortz,
yeah boss, we used to keep it going in a chain reaction earlier, till we got landlocked in schedules these days.
and it was source of lot of fun & info.
have a great weekend!
hi RM,
man, when did you paint your yacht orange ?
thanx for lending dem to me here,
i keep the (inter)net ready for fishing :)
sail power, GREEN clean wind energy, sounds good theoretically, if diesel engines take up to hybrid hydrogens.
we will make people go PURPLE in jealousy
have a great weekend!
hi Anuj,
your approaches had already announced your square from the time we knew you boss.
the test confirms it.
this square is for the turtles,
the right top is for the rabbits.
they will come to the green for their carrots
have a great weekend, Dehradunians!
good one...
in the company of angela merkel...little right to her..
does it signifies anything on trading or investment styles ..?
anyway good test..
surprised with the result...
@ rm
how to upload the picture and post link like you did...?
@ Sri
I did some "jugaad" (make shift arrangment - rough translation for assortZ and moh), took a snapshot of the screen, saved that as jpeg and uploaded on google doc. :)
wow, rm, hindi and you are rich,
three words in english crisped into a single jugaad
pssst, assortz, dont make rm realize, i am hypnotizing him calling him RICH, so that our cut will be assured ...
hope the guy did not become alert ...
bcos, he is a sharp intelligent one wearing an innocuous innocent smile only ... !!!
hi Sri,
you you you are in blue, man,
that makes you a future leader ...
now, hey guys, rm, assortz, aj,
come come lets cling on to this future president (west) and run up the ladder
merkel seem more pragmatic among the rest of the leaders in blue.
so it should be credit to you!!
Hi! Welcome :)
I didn’t expect the economist to accompany angela merkel..that’s interesting :)..
RM – am taking the liberty to answer here.. we can upload picture in imageshack site and you will get a link. Tinyurl shrniks the url and that can be posted in comments with simple html coding.
But RM I liked that “jugaad” :)
Whatever the hypnotize efforts we both do with RM, there is no sign at all about passing out the “cut” :)
Jugaad - National Pride
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